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Code Seller (1.1.2)

Code Seller

Code Seller has lots of features required for a paid or free download site. It is secured and easy to use. There are lots of configurable options.
With Component you will also get 4 different modules to style your site. Just check the demo once to know more about the component.
It has many advanced features. At present we have kept the price low but as we add features to it, price may increase. Just Check the component you will love it.
✔ Group Access added to products.
✔ VAT(Value Added tax added to products page.
✔ Bugs in templates fixed.
✔ Auto addition of user to a user group as defined in product page.
✔ Group Access will help you to protect kunena categories belonging to your paid products, to be visible only to your customers.

It uses core joomla features, like categories, core profile plugin for user updates etc. I will make an effort to release updates at regular intervals. I will not charge heavily for this product but a decent amount to cater to my hosting needs. there are lots of features in this script, so once you start using it you will come to know.

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